Picture this:
A young boy, ages 12 to 15, running about amongst the fallen leaves (it is october) with his young companion. Suddenly, from across Maple street, a joyous laughter has erupted. It's Davy. We zoom in. Now we are interested, "what could make such a small boy so large with laughter?" A ha. Eureka, even. We see he is carrying the Drakula 3000, a new and improved rake, just for kids (specifically kids who love Halloween, and , lets be honest folks, who doesn't love Halloween?).
The name of the game here is exclusivity. I see that Davy has acquired one, and I want my parents to acquire one for me now too! Not so fast, little Henry. Because in the first 6 months of production, we only sell it to families with the last name Jones. The Drakula 3000 is in the hands of every Maggie Jones, Jake Jones, Lily Jones, Frank Jones, hell, maybe even Tommy Lee Jones. Although he has not yet returned my phone calls.
Now, 6 months later, kids are dyin to get their hands on the Drakula 3000. And good thing, because now everyone can have one, and they are snatched off the walls of Toy's R Us's everywhere.
"Who wants to rake, when you can Drakula? No one. NO ONE."
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