The New York Times reveals that Mr. Eisenstadt is an imaginary person invented by two guys somewhere in a basement. Sound familiar? After discovering a story they liked, they inserted themselves into it and created all the "internet" information--a personal blog, a fake institute where he is a resident--to convince the world, including MSNBC, the New Republic, and the LA Times, that their imagination is reality. (And yes, the photo above is really one of them.)
These guys have a fascinating reason for doing so, one that could help us in developing Cecil. Motivated by politics, vanity, fame, and whatever else, they exploited systemic vulnerabilities to take credit for an event beyond their world. Perhaps Cecil's motivation is that he found a story he loved, and wanted to alter and manipulate it around so that he could profit from it. To become the new victim, or hero. If so, what is his relationship with Clive? With Regina? The Ducks? Does he need them or does he compete with them? Read the story. This helps me quite a bit.
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